29 May 2015
Discovery Parks CEO Grant Wilckens has signed up to take part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout for the second year running and will be sleeping rough along with other South Australian CEO's, politicians, managing directors and community leaders on the 25th of June helping to raise funding and awareness for homelessness in Australia.
Here's a few words from Grant on why he has decided to take part and lend his support:
As some of you may know, I participated in the Vinnies' CEO Sleepout last year.
Last year's effort was a resounding success and I was extremely proud knowing my efforts, along with the generous support, played a part in raising money for this life changing cause.
I couldn't miss the opportunity to do the same again this year, therefore, I am writing to advise that I will be joining some of Australia's top business and community leaders sleeping rough on one of the coldest nights of the year again on the 25th June.
I know we can all make a significant difference by enriching people's lives. Funds raised through the Vinnies CEO Sleepout will go towards helping more than 100,000 Australian men, women and children who are experiencing homelessness to find the warmth, safety and dignity that they desperately deserve.
In South Australia, the money raised has helped the homeless through:
- Homeless mentoring - providing pathways to employment for selected people experiencing homelessness
- Refugee support - providing housing for new arrivals fleeing dangerous situations, through our Migrant & Refugee Service
- Households in crisis - extending the existing home visitation program to provide higher level support for households with challenging financial circumstances at risk of experiencing homelessness counselling to clients to address the issues that significantly contribute to their repeated experiences of homelessness
Please support me once again in reaching my donation goal - www.ceosleepout.org.au/ceos/sa-ceos/grant-wilckens
This is a great initiative and is reflective of Vinnies' determination to provide real alternatives to homelessness and to truly offer a hand up, not only a hand out.